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US 65 Pedestrian Underpass

Parks & Rec

Pedestrian/Bicycle Underpass under US 65 

Bondurant, Iowa 

This City of Bondurant project involved the construction of a multi-use trail and pedestrian/bicycle underpass under US Highway 65.  The project included a complicated funding package utilizing SRTS, STBG, U-STEP, TAP and local funds.  Due to the federal funds, the project followed the Iowa DOT project development guide for specifications and letting. Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. provided survey, design, construction administration, and resident review services for the project.  

The underpass was constructed as a 202 lineal foot reinforced concrete box culvert cast in place in 2 phases in open cut under US highway 65.  The City and V&K worked closely with DOT Traffic and Safety to maintain highway traffic during construction.  After several coordination meetings the DOT accepted V&K’s recommendation to shift traffic to two-lane two-way traffic in the northbound/southbound lanes at low speed through the nearby intersections. Traffic control was setup and maintained for over 2 miles.  This alternate saved a significant amount of cost versus constructing traditional high speed cross overs.  

Existing topography and limited right-of-way posed special challenges on the project. To accommodate the necessary box culvert, V&K incorporated a large cast in place retaining wall with decorative rock patterns, switchback curved paths, and additional storm improvements at the culvert ends. The project also required extensive coordination with local and national fiber optics companies for the relocation of existing facilities. 

This project was completed in the spring of 2023. 

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